1 hour lesson £34
2 Hour lesson £65
Our driving instructors will deliver driving lessons in the following areas:-
North Tyneside
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Seaton Delaval
Seaton Sluice
New Hartley
Forest Hall
and surrounding areas
Well Done to the following pupils who have recently PASSED their Test:
Hope Black on passing 1st time with only 1 driving fault
Kyle Jay on passing with only 3 driving faults
Adam Pearce on passing on his 1st attempt
Aidan Pogson on passing with ZERO driving faults
Chloe Leighton on passing with only 2 driving faults
Ben Nicholson on passing on his 1st attempt
Joey O'Hara on passing on his !st attempt
Jamie Brown on passing his test
Matty Griggs on passing on his 1st attempt
Miles Morrison on passing his test
Josh Bradley on passing his test
Tai Jesse Gray on apassing their test
Matt Wilson on passing on is 1st attempt
Charlie Potts on passing on his 1st attempt
Jack Wilkinson on passing on his 1st attempt
Hannah Shaw Bollands on passing on her 1st attempt
Sarah Shaw Bollands on passing on her 1st attempt
Lennon Trinder on passing on his 1st attempt with only 1 driving fault
Imogen Black on passing with 1 driving fault
Leo Berry on passing with only 2 driving faults
Will Hunter on passing on his 1st attempt
Dan Wilson on passing on his 1st attempt
Ella Wilson on passing on her 1st attempt
Gyles Waterstone on passing on his 1st attempt
with ZERO driving faults
Dan Kennedy on passing on his 2nd attempt with
only 1 driving fault
Conner McKenna on passing on his 1st attempt
Josh Rayner on passing on his 1st attempt
Rowan Custance on passing with ZERO driving faults
Sophie Teasdale on passing on her 1st attempt
Jack Wintringham on passing on his 1st attempt
Will Hancock on passing on his 1st attempt
Georgia Miller on passing with ZERO faults
Bethany Pears on passing on her 1st attempt
Abby McFarlane on passing on her 1st attempt
Kai Sample on passing on his 1st attempt
Rebecca Maugham on passing on her first attempt with only 1 driving fault
Ethan Beckford on passing on his first attempt
Well Done to the following pupils who passed with Next 2 Pass:-
Hope Black on passing 1st time with only 1 driving fault Kyle Jay on passing with only 3 driving faults Adam Pearce on passing on his first attempt Aidan Pogson on passing with ZERO driving faults Chloe Leighton on passing with only 2 driving faults Ben Nicholson on passing on his 1st attempt Joey O'Hara on passing on his 1st attempt Jamie Brown on passing his test Matty Griggs on passing on his 1st attempt Miles Morrison on passing his test Josh Bradley on passing with only 1 driving fault Tai Jesse Gray on passing their test Matt Wilson on passing on his 1st attempt Charlie Potts on passing on his 1st attempt Jack Wilkinson on passing on his 1st attempt Hannah Shaw Bollands on passing on her 1st attempt Sarah Shaw Bollands on passing on her 1st attempt Lennon Trinder on passing on his 1st attempt with only 1 driving fault Imogen Black on passing on her test with only 1 driving fault Leo Berry on passing his test
Will Hunter on passing on his 1st attempt Dan Wilson on passing on his 1st attempt Ella Wilson on passing on her 1st attempt Gyles Waterstone on passing on his 1st attempt with ZERO driving faults Dan Kennedy on passing on his 2nd attempt with only 1 driving fault Conner McKenna on passing on his 1st attempt Josh Rayner on passing on his 1st attempt Rowan Custance on passing with ZERO driving faults Sophie Teasdale on passing on her 1st attempt Jack Wintringham on passing on his 1st attempt Will Hancock on passing on his 1st attempt Georgia Miller on passing with ZERO faults Bethany Pears on passing on her 1st attempt Abby McFarlane on passing on her 1st attempt Kai Sample on passing on his 1st attempt Rebecca Maugham on passing on her first attempt with only 1 driving fault Ethan Beckford on passing on his first attempt Callum Keillor on passing on his 2nd attempt Dan Wright on passin on his 2nd attempt Lydia Magin on passing on her 1st attempt Kayleigh Soulsby on passing on her 1st attempt Megan Cain on passing on her 1st attempt Matthew Walker on passing on his 1st attempt Luke Jameson on passing on his 1st attempt with only 1 driving fault Millie Fellows on passing on her first attempt Jamie Sproat on passing his test Jacqueline Anderson on passing on her 1st attempt Sophie Douds on passing her test Ellie Nichol on passing her test on the 1st attempt Ashleigh Shers on passing on her 1st attempt Olivia Griffiths on passing with ZERO driving faults Charlotte O'Hara on passing on her 2st attempt with only 1 driving fault Michelle Conner on passing on her 1st attempt Jordan Holden on passing on his 1st attempt Erin Black on passing on her 1st attempt with ZERO driving faults Daniel Smith on passing on his 1st attempt Zack Fisher on passing on his 1st attempt with only 2 driving faults Jacob Collins on passing on his first attempt with ZERO driving faults Oliver Hall on passing on his 1st attempt with only 2 driving faults Amy Coyne on passing on her 1st attempt Adam Borthwick on passing on his 1st attempt Thomas Borthwick on passing on his 1st attempt Kyle Wilson on passing on his driving test Alissa Rue on passing on her 1st attempt James Swann on passing his driving test Keira Wilson Hope on passing on her 1st attempt Lucy Campbell on passing on her 1st attempt Leo Pinel on passing on his 1st attempt Lewis Millar on passing on his 1st attempt with only 2 driving faults Tom Kitchen on passing with only 1 driving fault Becca Kelly on passing on her 1st attempt Vicky Armstrong on passing on her 1st attempt Naomi Watson on passing on her 1st attempt with only 1 driving fault Connor Thompson on passing his driving test Ethan Custance on passing on his 1st attempt with only 2 driving faults Sophie Brown on passing on her 2nd attempt Heather Vallance on passing on her 1st attempt Rebecca Wright on passing on her 2nd attempt Aidan Pearson-Hartley on passing on his 1st attempt with only 1 driving fault Jasmine Ireland on passing on her 1st attempt with only 2 driving faults Carmen Crozier on passing on her 1st attempt Curtis Reid on passing on his 1st attempt Becky Jackson on passing on her 1st attempt James Buckton on passing on his 2nd attempt Natalie Weightman-Ayre on passing on her 1st attempt Lucy Meadows on passing on her 1st attempt Sedar Kerplan on passing his driving test Liam Hindmarsh on passing on his 1st attempt with only 1 driving fault Kate Mason on passing on her driving tes Lauren Dobson on passing on her 1st attempt with only 2 driving faults Callum Miller on passing on his first attempt Grace Procter on passing on her first attempt Julia Melvin on passing on her first attempt Ben Borthwick on passing on his first attempt Laura Hutchinson on her first attempt Ellie Parsons on her first attempt Elena Walker on passing on her first attempt Samantha Crane on passing on her first attempt Lily Rutherford on passing first time with ZERO faults Jessica Easton on passing on her first attempt with only 1 driving fault Josh Shaw Bollands on passing on his first attempt Nathan Rue on passing on his first attempt Skye Williams on passing on her first attempt Jamie Fairney on passing on his first attempt Mark Armstrong on passing on his first attempt Anna-May Livingstone on passing on her first attempt Kyle Thompson on passing on his first attempt with ZERO driving faults Kimberley Ritchie on passing on her first attempt Ellie Beckford on passing on her 2nd attempt Abbie Griggs on passing on her first attempt Emily Campbell on passing on her first attempt Eve Theasby on passing on her first attempt Josh Wood on passing on his 2nd attempt Holly Nutall on passing on her first attempt Holly Nicholson on passing on her first attempt Megan Fellows on passing her test Alisha Bradshaw on passing on her first attempt Holly Heslop on passing her test Connor Pearson-Hartley on passing on his first attempt Kate Davison on passing on her first attempt Curtis Pogson on passing on his first attempt Ryan Maddison on passing on his first attempt Hannah Coulson on passing her test James Laverick on passing on his first attempt Sarah Scott on passing with 2 driving faults Callum Dawson on passing 1st time Abbey Kennewell on passing 1st time Erin Carver on passing on her 2nd attempt Alex Hedley on passing on her 1st attempt Brooke Hayward on passing on her 1st attempt Megan Foley on passing on her 1st attempt Darren Parker on passing on his 1st attempt with only 1 driving fault Victor Quintero Daredes on passing his test Oscar Milburn on passing his test Sarah Rolf on passing with only 2 driving faults Lauren Morrell on passing with ZERO driving faults Anna Lowther on passing on her 1st attempt Geoffrey Campbell on passing on his 1st attempt Lisa Blackburn on passing on her 1st attempt Meri Llanas Tudela on passing her test Cerys Pringle on passing on her 1st attempt Marie Gilberson on passing her test Megan Armstrong on passing on her 1st attempt Daniel Johnson on passing on his 1st attempt Michael Clark on passing his test Luca Pinel on passing on his 1st attempt Andrew Bravington on passing on his 1st attempt Alex Lisle on passing his test on his first attempt with ZERO driving faults Connor Borthwick on passing with ZERO driving faults James Hopkinson on passing on his 1st attempt Niamh Watson on passing on her 1st attempt Kyle Morrison on passing on his 1st attempt James Simmons on passing with 2 driving faults Alex Keillor on pasiing with 2 driving faults Stacey Halliday on passing on her 1st attempt Hollyanne Soulsby on passing her test Tom Swales on passing on his 2nd attempt Coraleigh Wilson on passing on her 1st attempt Rachel Murray on passing on her 1st attempt Lena Yurchenko on passing on her 2nd attempt Kira Shieber on passing with 2 driving faults David Allen on passing on his 1st attempt Charlotte Alderson oon passing on her 1st attempt Megan Parsons on passing on her 1st attempt Charlie Donnelly on passing on his 1st attempt Alexandra Blackburn on passing on her 1st attempt with ZERO driving faults Shelby Peel on passing on her 1st attempt Tom Kirk on passing on his 1st time attempt Oliver Hunter on passing in his 1st attempt Dan Maugham in passing in his 1st attempt Mark Vallance on passing his test Marie English on passing with only 1 driving fault Jack Kiggins on passing on his 2nd attempt Josh Fisher on passing his test with only 1 minor fault Aidan Wilson on passing on his 1st attempt Bethany Maddison on passing on her 2nd attempt James Richards on passing his test on his 2nd attempt Joshua Garcia on passing on his 1st attempt with only 2 driving faults Jasmine Wilson on passing on her 2nd attempt Dominic Ritchie on passing on his 1st attempt Jack Livingstone on passing his test Laura Tinmouth on passing on her 2nd attempt Isaac Connelly on passing on his 1st attempt with only 3 driving faults Rhona Metcalf on passing on her 1st attempt with only 2 driving faults Becca Rees on passing her driving test Jordan Tweedy on passing on his 1st attempt Liam Fenlon on passing on his 1st attempt Craig Bradshaw on passing 1st time with only 1 driving fault Rachael Wood on passing on her 1st attempt Anna Smith on passing on her 1st attempt Matthew McCullough on passing on his 1st attempt Laura Houckham on passing with 1 driving fault Andrew Smart on passing on his 1st attempt Donna Kiggins on passing on her 1st attempt Georgia Preedy on passing on her 2nd attempt Carol Marshall on passing on her 1st attempt Lewis Marshall on passing on his 1st attempt Keith Myers on passing his driving test Ryan Elliott on passing on his 2nd attempt Rebecca Shaw-Bollands on passing 1st time with Zero Faults Nicole Robertson on passing her test Kirtsty McGuire on passing 1st time Kirsha -leigh Waring on passing her test Charlotte Ambrose on passing her test Bronia Fergus on passing 1st time Ben Riddell on passing 2nd time Dean Wilson on passing 1st time Brandon Lee on passing 1st time Calum Foxton on passing his test Wendy Barber on passing her test Jack Laydon on passing his test Carol Armstrong on passing her test on her 2 nd attempt Kayleigh Green on passing her test on her 2nd attempt Rebecca Dennis on passing 1st time Emma Jobey on passing her test with only 2 driving faults James Hall on passing on his 2nd attempt Brooke Hardy on passing her test Shannon Black on passing 1st time with only 2 driving faults Amber Knights on passing her test Anna Theasby on passing 1st time with only 2 driving faults Sean Hunter on passing with only 3 driving faults Claire Finlayson on passing her driving test Clare Atkinson on passing her Driving test Destiny Quinn on passing 1st time Matt Lucy on passing 1st time Jordan Davison on passing 1st time Destiny Quinn on passing 1st time with only 3 driving faults Ryan King on passing 1st time with only 1 driving fault Chloe Small on passing 1st time George Bell on passing 1st time with only 1 minor fault which was on the questions Carla Shield on passing 1st time with ZERO fault Robyn Smith on passing 1st time Ayesha Majithia on passing 1st time with only 3 driving faults Caitlin Ormond on passing on her 2nd attempt Helen Povey on passing 1st time Charlotte Perry on passing 1st time Paula Marin on passing her 2nd Attempt Michael Scott on passing 1st time with only 3 driving faults Chantelle Forbes on passing 1st time with only 1 driving fault Ross Wallace on passing with only 2 driving faults Morgan Dunn on passing with 1 driving fault Heather Addison on passing 1st time Laura Jobey on passing 1st time Molly Patrick on passing 1st time with Next2pass Nicole Dawson on passing on her 2nd attemp Chelsey Long on passing 1st time with only 3 minor faults April Patrick on passing 1st time Ryan Waterston on passing 1st time Olivia Rowley on passing with 2 driving faults Sophie Bowman on passing 2nd time with only 2 driving faults Phillip Dunkley on passing 2nd time with only 2 driving faults Luke Johnston on passing 1st time Stacey Crown on passing 1st time Mark Smart on passing 2nd attempt Paige McLaren on passing 1st time Robyn Dobie on passing 1st time with Next2pass Adam Duxfield on passing 1st time Carol Heslop on passing 1st time with Next2pass Lynsey McLaren on passing on her 2nd attempt Craig Stappard on passing 1st time Yasmin Lyall on passing 1st time Georgia Connelly on passing 1st time Sam Atkinson on passing with only 3 driving faults Halley Logan on passing 2nd time Danielle Miley on passing 1st time with only 2 driving faults Jayne Thompson on passing her test Kaye Tiverton on passing 1st time with only 2 driving faults Chris Simpson on passing 1st time Jade Hill on passing 2nd time Elliot Barnet on passing 1st time James Hopkinson on passing 1st time Joanne Hodgeson on passing her test Jessica Cook on passing her test Lucy Hansom on pasing 2nd time Daniel Frend on passing 2nd time Chris Gould on passing with only 1 driving fault Mark Burton on passing 1st time with NO FAULTS Caroline Graham on passing 1st time with 2 minor faults Jermaine Benjamin on passing with 1 minor fault Sarah Lowther on passing 2nd time Kiana Cox on passing 1st time Daniel Gray on passing on his 2nd attempt Alena Halley on passing 1st time with only 2 driving faults Mark Nicholson on passing 1st time with only 2 driving faults Chris Joisce on passing 1st time with 3 driving faults Nicky Gkoka on passing her test Natasha Hopper on passing her test Wendy McDivett on passing on her 2nd attempt Kachun Lui on passing 1st time Luke Watson on passing 1st time Gary Dixon on passing his test Corran Chatfield on passing 1st time Callum Hardy on passing 2nd attempt Katie Scott on passing 1st time Nicole Duncanson on passing her test Rebecca Storey on passing her test Hayden Conolly on passing 2nd attempt Amy Bancroft on passing 2nd attempt Cara Pieroni on passing her test Kayleigh Crown on passing 1st time Robyn Bathgate on passing her test Rebecca Dunkley on passing 1st time wth 2 driving faults Emmanuel Miller on passing 2nd time Steph Nelson on passing 2nd time with only 2 driving faults Catherine Follin on passing her test Chris Brock on passing 1st time Kathryn Mitchell on passing 1st time with only 1 driving fault Leanne Akins on passing 1st time Nigel Cook on passing with 1 driving fault Holly Peat on passing 2nd time Jennifer Allan on passing 1st time Lee Kiggins on passing 1st time Peter Green on passing 1st time Natalie Cowell on passing 1st time with only 1 fault Chenge Chatira on passing 1st time Chris Bray on passing 1st time with only 1 fault Laura Whitfield on passing 2nd time David Bulman on passing with ZERO faults Nathan Hewitt on passing 1st time Georgia Burns on passing 1st time with only 3 minor faults Abby Monaghan on passing her test James Harrison on passing with 2 minor faults Jade Webb-Hartford on passing 1st time Lee Turner on passing 2nd time with only 1 driving fault Hannah Middleton on passing 2nd time Kitty Borroughes on passing 1st time with Next 2 Pass Denise Kelly on passing her test James Pears on passing 1st time Shelley Redpath on passing 1st time James Miller on passing 1st time Michael Tiverton on passing 2nd time Josh Cowell on passing his test Rebecca Short on passing 2nd time Megan Clark on passing her test Michelle Scott on passing her test Tony Reed on passing 1st time with only 1 minor fault Susan Carey on passing 1st time Tom Bell on passing 1st time with only 3 minor faults Benji Skinner on passing 2nd time with Next2Pass David Mason on passing 1st time with only 2 minor faults Sam Whellons on passing 2nd time with only 2 minor faults Michael Tite on passing 1st time with only 2 minor faults Rebecca Wilson on passing 1st time Sean Beattie on passing his test Sam Paisley on passing 1st time Michael Yon on passing with only 4 minor faults Samantha Young on passing 1st time with Next2Pass Frankie Dempsey on passing 2nd time Gavin Wilson on passing 1st time with Next2Pass Stacie Scott on passing 1st time with only 2 faults Leanne Todd on passing 1st time with NO FAULTS Paul Darling on passing 1st time Neil Stead on passing 1st time with only 3 minor faults Sophie Usher on passing 2nd time Jordan Davies on passing 2nd time Andy Liu on passing 2nd time with only 2 minor faults Tracy Armstrong on passing 2nd time Nichol Nixon on passing 1st time with Next2Pass Jake Atkinson on passing 1st time Lizzie Hughes on passing 1st time David Thompson on passing 2nd time Mark Barrat on passing his test Jess Baxter on passing 2nd time Jennie Wheatley on passing 1st time Craig Blenkinsop on passing his test Kate Bowman on passing 1st time Ben Sayer on passing 2nd time Emma Cain on passing 1st time with only 2 minor faults Nathan Dawson on passing 1st time Michael Middleton on passing 1st time Tina Soulsby on passing 1st time with only 1 minor fault Lauren Dunn on passing 2nd time Kirsty Norwicki on passing 2nd time with only 2 minor faults Alex Nicholson on passing 1st time with only 2 minor faults Daniel Johnson on passing 1st time Carl Erskine on passing 1st time with 1 minor fault Gabrielle Vallons on passing her test Johnathan Carter on passing his test Sarah Fraser on passing 2nd time with only 2 minor faults Jack Deas on passing 2nd time with only 1 minor fault Daniel Sales on passing 1st time Stephanie Laskey on passing 1st time with 1 minor fault Shaun Wilson on passing 1st time Kyle Dixon on passing 1st time Tom Baker on passing 2nd time Hazel Johnson on passing her test Debra Henderson on passing 2nd time Peter Kiggins on passing 1st time Naomi Bathgate on passing 1st time with 1 minor fault Hannah Knowles on passing her test Lewis Ramel on passing 1st time Daniel Meggison on passing 1st time Jayd Beattie on passing with 2 minor faults Debra Hall on passing 2nd time Andrew Wood on passing 1st time Beth Jackson on passing 1st time Samantha Hansom on passing her test Shaun Nelson on passing 1st time Connor McCabe on passing 1st time Leanne Henderson on passing 1st time Claire Blackie on passing 2nd time with only 1 minor fault Natalie Smith on passing with only 2 minor faults Katie Mountain on passing 1st time Sophie Yhearm on passing 1st time Alex Peters on passing 2nd time Jasmine Winter on passing 1st time Baz White on passing 1st time Craig Dunn on passing 1st time with next2pass Poppy Lu on passing 1st time Gary Owen on passing 1st time James Dundas on passing 1st time John Balmer on passing his test Stephen Wood on passing 1st time Rowena Hall on passing 1st time Terri Kingsland on passing her test Charlotte Middleton on passing her test Caroline Derrick on passing her test Charlotte Peters on passing 1st time Hailey Fisher on passing her test James Hall on passing his test Jae Wight on passing 1st time with next2pass Katie Le-Hanie on passing 1st time Heman Kadir on passing his taxi test 1st time with next2pass John Winton on passing 1st time Nick Rutley on passing 1st time Alex Kingsland on passing 1st time Kayleigh Dickson on passing 1st time Ricky Hall on passing 2nd time Rojack Batin on passing 1st time Corrie Livesey on passing 1st time with NO FAULTS Dave Shearer on passing 2nd time Stephen Scott on passing 1st time with next 2 pass Chris Robson on passing 1st time Adam Knights on passing 1st time Rowen Laybourne on passing with 2 minor faults Robbie Soulsby on passing 2nd time Dom Pilton on passing 1st time Lewis Herbertson on passing 1st time Rob Shillitoe on passing 1st time with next2pass Jake Coulson on passing 1st time Adam Baker on passing his test |